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Tyramine intolerance - hidden allergy

Hello everyone, I am a 40 y. o. musician and I enjoy a healthy lifestyle ( balanced diet + daily exercise). My health is good except for a recently diagnosed intolerance to Tyramine. For ex. if i eat a few slices of salami on an empty stomach it will trigger an attack, which is always the same : i get a really fast heartbeat + increased blood pressure + nausea 15 mn after ingestion. Sometimes the heart palpitations last for 1/2 h ( 120-130 bpm), and the nausea + lightheadedness will last for a day, it depends on the type of food, if i am tired etc...
I am 99% sure the culprit is Tyramine, which is a natural amine found in all foods but much higher in foods that are aged, fermented, pickled  ( salami, cheese, sauerkraut, smoked salmon, anchovy paste ), in foods that have been stored for a long time ( nuts, dried fruits) and also in overripe fruits like bananas, oranges and avocados.
The list of foods I was reacting to was so eclectic, I couldn’t find the link between them for a long time, it was very perplexing and scary and i lost a lot of weight.
I did a lot of research, started an elimination diet and asked many doctors before a neurologist mentioned the cheese migraine symptoms to me. Later I found a list of Tyramine loaded foods in which I recognized every single food that had triggered an attack after I ingested it. There is no test to confirm my theory but since I eliminated these Tyramine loaded foods from my diet I feel much better and less terrified of eating, and I am even putting some weight back on ( 112 lbs for 5’4”).
Soon hopefully I will feel strong enough to start reintroducing these foods into my diet in very small quantities to get myself desensitized, unless of course one day I wake up free of this strange condition that appeared for no reason and might disappear the same way.
I guess what is very puzzling to me is the fact that this sensitivity appeared out of the blue, that the symptoms are so violent and that I DO NOT get migraines. People who have problems with foods high in Tyramine usually are either migraine sufferers and/or on antidepressant ( MAOs).
I do not take any medication and my symptoms are always exactly the same 5 to 10 mn after ingesting the culprit food : tachycardia + hypertension + tremors + nausea and sometimes light headache when the attack is really bad. After having had about 14 attacks within the last 12 months it is such a relief to be able to eat again !
So I guess now my goal is to put the word out and ask as many persons as possible is they have ever heard of a patient with the same symptoms, which is why I posted this text.
Does anyone have the same symptoms or know anything about Tyramine ?

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From Paul Jaminet, PhD and author of Perfect Health Diet (highly recommend) "You can typically improve amine [includes tyramine] clearance by providing the nutrients to support synthesis of monoamine oxidase and diamine oxidase, such as molybdenum, copper, and choline/egg yolks.

You can also typically reduce symptoms by improving anti-oxidant status, especially zinc and copper optimization, vitamin C, and N-acetylcysteine."

Tyramine messes with the autonomic nervous sytem, specifically the sympathetic part through adrenergic receptors. Lots of tyramine free diets out there. Good luck everyone!

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This is the most helpful post I've read in a long time! Thanks so much!
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Wow! This is a life saver for me. I have become intolerant to eating tyramine-rich foods. So bananas always made me feel "funny" but never relate to being intolerant to tyramine only because I drank milk, ate cheese, yogurt, etc with no issues. Fast forward 10 years later, I started getting anxiety/ panic attacks (also was stressed and sleep deprived) which caused my health to deteriorate. Doctors said it was anxiety; I thought it was something else. Multiple trips in the ER and they finally admitted me to make sure I was okay. I was hyponatremic, wasn't eating at all because everything I ate, I was getting severe hypertension. What saved me gateroade, Coconut water and lemon water infused with some cayenne. My GI system ended up getting a good clean out. And I also needed sleep because I was extremely tired (I also developed a fear of sleeping too) so now here I am. I'm currently on Xanax prn (which I try not to take) and I have been eating foods in order to figure out what makes me feel "funny". So far, my  have been bananas and peanuts. I must add that I don't drink alcohol anymore because when I would drink red wine, I would get severe headaches (red wine has tyramine or tannins). I ate a sandwich yesterday with cured meat and bread. I actually felt fine. So I realized it;s certain foods, I guess. What I forgot to mention was that Im also taking a good probiotic so I can really get my gut back on track. Even though, I am feeling much better, I realized I have to make permanent changes to my diet because I cant tolerate certain foods anymore. But if it means, I will be comfortable and not get hypertension, Im okay with the changes. Im so happy I am not the only one because I really thought I was going crazy.
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I am trying to figure out how to cure this.  I too suffer hypertensive crisis from tyramine.  I've read extensively on the subject and am now trying to find out how to restore MAO to my gut to break down amines and I am working to repair my gut.  I am not sure if MAO is available commercially as a dietary enzyme but DAO, which breaks down histamine intestinally, is.  
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Right now, food sensitivity is viewed as one of the sicknesses of human progress, which happens because of the changing states of life and natural changes (for example expanded prominence of cesarean conveyance, inordinate clean system during the neonatal-juvenile time frame). In view of clinical measurements, it very well may be presumed that this issue will be strengthened. Utilization of food is one of the fundamental exercises in human existence. What and what one eats means for our wellbeing. Feasts eaten routinely give the parts important to the energy digestion. Multicultural society, travel, and recent fads influence the variety of food ate. The system of food sensitivity response covers every one of the 4 sorts of the resistant reaction of the old style division of Gell and Coombs. The level of the safe reaction was evaluated by Chandra as follows: type I - 48%, type II - 6%, type III - 10%, and type IV - 18%. The article presents the gamble factors for food sensitivity, most normal side effects, preventive measures and qualities of food items that are expected allergens.
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20864968 tn?1549993860

I am so glad to read about this story. I am struggling with my health and digestion for a long time now but never really found the right solution to all my problems.

My symptoms are very widespread, ranging from headaches, reflux acid, blurred vision, troubles remebering words or memories (temporary), slightly swollen face, feeling weak, and all of this after eating specific foods.
I am absolutely sure that its is food related because I feel amazing when I don't eat or very little (something I tried for a short period)

For years I didn't know what was the cause and I was only curing the symptomps together with my doctors.
I tried different medications to reduce my reflux and migraines but with no results. After analysing that my oesphagus didn't close properly they installed a stimulator (Endostim) in to my oesophagus that would clost it in order to avoid acid reflux.
Even this didn't provide me with results until now.
Now recently they investigated allergies and intolerances against specific foods. (Which is very late in my search, nobody ever advised me to do so or spoke about it)
They found out that I am intolerant for dairy, yeast (brewery and bakkery), eggs, peanuts, wheat and some more.
I really thought I had found the solution because after leaving out my known trigger foods everything started to go much better.
This resulted in a huge improvement of my daily comfort and digestion but only relative,  I am still struggling with my headeaches and swollen face up until now.
The cause is unknown so my search went on.

At the moment I am doing the FODMAP diet together with a dietist. Everything went ok up until my dietist mentioned the effects of Tyramines on migraines.

After reading about this, a lot of bells started to ring and I could connect certain cause of headaches of the past with the food that I had aten. It felt like a Eureka moment.
It is possible that this will give me all the solution for my problems,  a lot of symptoms are corresponding so I feel good about this new approach. I know it won't be very simple and I Still have a long way to go but at least it could be in the right direction.

I have read a lot about it and find it pretty hard to find the right foods that don't contain Tyramines as there are a lot of contradictions on the internet.

Can somebody give me more advice about potatoe, pumpkins, lentisl, pork, spinach?
Are they Tyramine free or not?

I know that a lot is about experimenting for myself and see how my body responds to every specific food.

I am really thankfull for a forum like this, so that I know that I am  not the only one with weird responses to food :)

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yes I am having reations to almost all foods 8 years of it.loosing a lot of wt.am having reactions to many meds also that i never was. allergy shots caused this. not sure what antidote there is. Have been to many Drs. allerhists, gi dr many gi procedures  done all neg neg blood work at allergist. no Dr knows what to do.am just eating the only 5 foods that dont cause throat swelling and gi upset.. A very frustrating time. just the smell of coffee, peanut butter. laundry detergent,any strong smell makes me sick. never had this before the allergy antigen. they gave me too much antigen.   anyway just want to eat normal again. anyone had the allergy shots cause your body to not digest food now,?
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Yes, I went to warm climate last year and had increased migraines, then returned this year and the same occurred, plus a hypertensive attack with heart rate of about 170 ppm for about 2-3 hours on our boat.  I recorded it on our Zoll Pro Defibrillator.  When I got back to the port, I went to the doctors, but they were not much use.  I had blood tests and ECG, then started thinking Tyramine from eating about 5 bananas a day.  I started to think maybe not enough mono amine oxidase and cut out most of the tyramine foods. Since then migraines have improved markedly, hardly any, feel much better and dark rings from around eyes have mostly vanished.  It is about 1 month since the occurrence.  Before I knew what all the foods were I ate smoked oysters and some cheese, twice and of course I go a headache.  I also tried taking B1 and got a headache 5 hours after taking that,  twice, so have cut that out.  I do have diverticulosis, so a damaged gut, and had lots of antibiotics as a child.  Did anyone else take lots of antibiotics as a child?
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Look up "cheese reaction"
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I am so sorry that you have these problems, but so grateful to have found your comments. I thought I was crazy, and my doctors aren't helping at all.
I, too have been to the ER numerous times, with tachycardia, severe nausea, and hbp. They got tired of seeing me. My symptoms are so scary, and I feel trapped. I don't feel so alone now...thank you.
I really hope you are doing better now.
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How are your adrenal glands? sometimes a Pheochromocytoma on the adrenals will trigger a hypertensive attack when tyramine rich foods are infested. Other triggers are stress and exertion. The most accurate test is a plasma free Metanephrines blood test. Good luck :)
*when tyramine rich foods are ingested
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I am trying to figure out how to cure this.  I too suffer hypertensive crisis from tyramine.  I've read extensively on the subject and am now trying to find out how to restore MAO to my gut to break down amines and I am working to repair my gut.  I am not sure if MAO is available commercially as a dietary enzyme but DAO, which breaks down histamine intestinally, is.  
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After eating peanuts and cheddar cheese with my lunch I suddenly had a terrible "sinus" headache. It was so bad that my top teeth were aching. It led me to google,do peanut and cheese cause headaches. I discovered they both have tyramine and if sensitive can cause someone to get headaches. The question also led me here in the hope to get more answers.....
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To give you an idea what foods are considered "unsafe", I quote from Wikipedia:

"Tyramine occurs widely in plants and animals, and is metabolized by the enzyme monoamine oxidase.
In foods, it is often produced by the decarboxylation of tyrosine during fermentation or decay.

Foods containing considerable amounts of tyramine include meats that are potentially spoiled or pickled, aged, smoked, fermented, or marinated (some fish, poultry, and beef); most pork (except cured ham); chocolate; alcoholic beverages; and fermented foods, such as most cheeses (except ricotta, cottage, cream and Neufchâtel cheeses), sour cream, yogurt, shrimp paste, soy sauce, soybean condiments, teriyaki sauce, tempeh, miso soup, sauerkraut, kimchi, broad (fava) beans, green bean pods, Italian flat (Romano) beans, snow peas, edamame, avocados, bananas, pineapple, eggplants, figs, red plums, raspberries, peanuts, Brazil nuts, coconuts, processed meat, yeast, and an array of cacti."

So, once you have eliminated these foods from your diet, the rest might be considered "safe". But don't bet on it. Allergic reactions do not affect everyone in the same way.

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Can you give me a list of "safe" foods?
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I have recently discovered that I too am suffering very severely and suddenly to Tyramine. I have had many visits to the ER with Hypertensive Crisis. I think mine came on after I started drinking Kombucha for the probiotics. Perhaps I drank too much of it and got some kind of Tyramine Overload. At any rate, it's been hit or miss but I am trying to be careful.  It *****.
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I had the same thing begin suddenly in 2014. I am healthy eater - or so I thought. After trips to doc and a couple to the ER I found that eating fresh food - not eating canned or pre-packaged eliminated most symptoms. My research uncovered a ton of info - I hope that you find this helpful: Regular coffee, tea, and soft drinks are on the list of things to avoid. Not sure about decaf. Canned and packaged food contains sulfites,  Nitrates and preservatives that trigger symptoms. Aged meats such a salami, pepperoni bacon, jerky, sausage, hot dogs should be avoided. Anything femented, aged can cause problems. Beer, wine, aged cheese, Seeds and nuts cause problems for those with the sensitivity.  I also eliminated bread as yeast is a trigger. Another trigger is Soy - soy oil is in many things so be sure to check ingredients.  Bottom line is I now eat only fresh beef, poultry and fish. If not eaten within 24 hours of cooking I freeze. If not cooking within 24 hours of purchase I freeze. I eliminated Irish potatos but still eat red and sweet potatos.

It's a pain but sticking with the freshness rule keeps me symptom free. Unlike your symptoms mine lasted for days and often did not occur for up to 48 hours after eating a trigger food. Doctors say developing allergies and sensitivties as we age is common. Tyramine sensitivity can only be treated by diet - I wonder if it ever goes away. As furballsmom stated: Gluten may be an issue. I had to eliminate wheat too and no more peanut butter - dang. Bottom line is I eat like a cave man and so far so good.
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What may help to some degree is daily kefir.
681148 tn?1437661591
Yep, tyramine intolerance does affect migraines and IBS.  I had already eliminated many foods in that list because of preservatives for me.  I have stayed away from high tyramine foods and that helped.  Through my research I have found that gluten intolerance is actually a part of tyramine intolerance, so I recommend that you also eat a gluten free diet.  It made a huge difference for me.
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tyramine is a catecholamine releasing agent. tyramines sends my blood pressure sky rocketing(hypertensive crisis) and then i start vomiting, usually all day. i have had this problem all my life and only found out about it last year. i will be 64 in November. i wished i would have learned about it sooner.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I am a migraine sufferer myself.  Now I am intrigued and will definitely do some research about Tyramine.  I do have food sensitivity issues as well, so this looks like a worthy research to do for myself.  I never heard of Tyramine and the neurologist never mentioned it before.
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I have a severe intolerance to Tyramine, and maybe other things - who knows?!  I realised what it was over 14 years ago, but know the symptoms were there for about ten years previous!  The only things I can eat now without succombing to severe and prolonged pain are:  pasta, carrots, parsnips, peppers, apples, melons and pears.  Over the years it has gotten worse, the list didn't start out this short!  And I've lost about 3 or 4 stone over time!
I've asked for help repeatedly from my GP, but they're not interested and just say that there is nothing they can do.  And I keep getting worse.
What do I do ?!!
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I experience chest pains very soon after eating dark chocolate, shark meat, bison meat, aged cheeses (cheddar, etc.)... it is so consistent and predictable.  I also used to get migraines - but just chest pains.  They go away after a few minutes, but I still have to learn to curb my portions of high-tyramine foods.  
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I have the same since a year, and cured since 4 months. the diet is severe, but I'm getting weight as replacing many things by other things which are sugar based probably. I'm taking pills too (against hystamine) : Xyzall, 3 times per week. There is well a test, the firts one is small capsules against the skin, then they check reaction after 2 days, than 4 days, and one on the skin with a drop of reactant, then they pick and see the reaction. After 2 months, it has decreased already due to the removal of bad food (pork, potatoes, tomatoes, cheese, all thinks that can get old and ferment). According to doctor he expect me to go back to normal life after 12 to 24 months.
My main problem was oedema, mainly of contact
I'm 52 years and Belgian
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  I think tyramine effects glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity. The heart reacts to changes in insulin levels, which can cause the palpitations.  Perhaps you are becoming more insulin sensitive, for some reason?
Congratulations on finding the culprit causing your symptoms! Great sleuthing!
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